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Showing posts from June 1, 2008


e-gold is a digital gold currency operated by Gold & Silver Reserve Inc. under e-gold Ltd., and is a system which allows the instant transfer of gold ownership between users. e-gold Ltd. is incorporated in Nevis, Lesser Antilles. According to the company's website, as of April 2007, e-gold had 112,188 oz (3,492.0 kilograms) of gold and 138,567 oz (4,313.1 kg) of silver in storage, which is worth approximately US$86 million. [1] There are typically 66,000 e-gold spends each day totalling 15,000 oz (470 kg), which is about US$10.5 million. There are over three million e-gold accounts of which about one quarter are active. History e-gold was founded in 1996 by Dr. Douglas Jackson and Barry K. Downey.Transactions using e-gold have grown dramatically since 2005. The total amount of gold bars (over three tonnes) in the e-gold system is approaching the size of the national reserves of smaller countries. e-gold now generates a substantial income from spend and storage fees — there is ...


1- Never use your E-gold password on any other साईट २-Download firefox to access your e-gold ac.You can download it on this site 3 - Use the SRK feature while entering your password. This is the little blue circular link next to the password entry box. Click on it and a small keypad will popup in which you can use your mouse to punch in your password. This can prevent Trojan virus's from gathering info on your password. 4 - Never download any software from suspicious looking sites. It is possible that it may be a trojan virus waiting to infect your computer. 5 - E-gold will never email you and ask you to log into your account with a provided link. If you get an e-gold link via email. Do not open it, and whatever you do, don't go to the site that is provided. Hackers have been sending out various emails that look like they are from E-gold. 6 - If you own a publicly known site with a publicly known e-gold account, then open another E-gold account in which nobody knows about. Then...