Do you want to make money writing? Perhaps you've been hesitating, wondering whether you can do it. Perhaps you've written a book but you dont have money to publish it. Do you actually know that you can even make money while you are yet to even finish your books. Do you also know that you can just write, type it in ms word and convert to pdf (optional) and start selling even online? If so, here's a super-simple process for you to follow. If you dont have the funds to publish your books Your Options as a Beginner is probably to start online There are plenty of options for you in online writing, the data that can be entered into the Internet is virtually limitless, it all depends on what kind of online writer you want to be. If you're thinking you want to write to get your ideas out there, then try blogging or any of those social network platforms where you can scream out your ideas to the world. You could also sign up with emagazines and other online publications, or e...
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